中国物理B ›› 2005, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (6): 1136-1141.doi: 10.1088/1009-1963/14/6/014

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Application of an approximate vectorial diffraction model to analysing diffractive micro-optical elements

叶佳声1, 牛春晖2, 李志远2, 顾本源2   

  1. (1)Department of Physics,Harbin Institute of Technology,Harbin 150001,China; (2)Institute of Physics Academy of Sciences ,Beijing 10080,China
  • 收稿日期:2004-12-15 修回日期:2005-01-26 出版日期:2005-05-27 发布日期:2005-05-27

Application of an approximate vectorial diffraction model to analysing diffractive micro-optical elements

Niu Chun-Hui (牛春晖)a, Li Zhi-Yuan (李志远)a, Ye Jia-Sheng (叶佳声)b, Gu Bei-Yuan (顾本源)a   

  1. a Institute of Physics Academy of Sciences, Beijing 10080, China; b Department of Physics, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150001, China
  • Received:2004-12-15 Revised:2005-01-26 Online:2005-05-27 Published:2005-05-27

摘要: Scalar diffraction theory, although simple and efficient, is too rough for analyzing diffractive micro-optical elements. Rigorous vectorial diffraction theory requires extensive numerical efforts,and is not a convenient design tool. In this paper we employ a simple approximate vectorial diffraction model which combines the principle of the scalar diffraction theory with an approximate local field model to analyze the diffraction of optical waves by some typical two-dimensional diffractive micro-optical elements. Both the TE and TM polarization modes are considered. We have found that the approximate vectorial diffraction model can agree much better with the rigorous electromagnetic simulation results than the scalar diffraction theory for these micro-optical elements.

关键词: Approximate vectorial diffractive theory, Micro-optical diffractive elements

Abstract: Scalar diffraction theory, although simple and efficient, is too rough for analyzing diffractive micro-optical elements. Rigorous vectorial diffraction theory requires extensive numerical efforts,and is not a convenient design tool. In this paper we employ a simple approximate vectorial diffraction model which combines the principle of the scalar diffraction theory with an approximate local field model to analyze the diffraction of optical waves by some typical two-dimensional diffractive micro-optical elements. Both the TE and TM polarization modes are considered. We have found that the approximate vectorial diffraction model can agree much better with the rigorous electromagnetic simulation results than the scalar diffraction theory for these micro-optical elements.

Key words: Approximate vectorial diffractive theory, Micro-optical diffractive elements

中图分类号:  (Diffraction and scattering)

  • 42.25.Fx
42.79.Dj (Gratings) 42.25.Bs (Wave propagation, transmission and absorption)