中国物理B ›› 2005, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (1): 186-191.doi: 10.1088/1009-1963/14/1/034

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Reverse polarization in conjugated heterocycle polythiophene

张大成1, 王鹿霞2, 刘德胜3, 解士杰4, 韩圣浩4, 梅良模4   

  1. (1)School of Physics and Microelectronics, Shandong University,Jinan,250100, China; (2)School of Physics and Microelectronics, Shandong University,Jinan,250100, China;Department of Physics, Jining Normal University, Jining,272025, China; (3)School of Physics and Microelectronics, Shandong University,Jinan,250100, China;Department of Physics, Jining Normal University, Jining,272025, China;State Key Laboratory of Crystal Materials, Shandong University, Jinan,250100, China; (4)School of Physics and Microelectronics, Shandong University,Jinan,250100, China;State Key Laboratory of Crystal Materials, Shandong University, Jinan,250100, China
  • 收稿日期:2004-06-10 修回日期:2004-07-29 出版日期:2005-01-20 发布日期:2005-01-20
  • 基金资助:
    Project supported by the National Natural Science Key Foundations of China (Grant Nos 10474056 and 50323006) and Shandong Provincial Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No Y2001A05)

Reverse polarization in conjugated heterocycle polythiophene

Wang Lu-Xia (王鹿霞)ab, Liu De-Sheng (刘德胜)abc, Zhang Da-Cheng (张大成)a, Xie Shi-Jie (解士杰)ac, Han Sheng-Hao (韩圣浩)ac, Mei Liang-Mo (梅良模)ac   

  1. a School of Physics and Microelectronics, Shandong University, Jinan 250100, China; b Department of Physics, Jining Normal University, Jining 272025, China; c  State Key Laboratory of Crystal Materials, Shandong University, Jinan 250100, China
  • Received:2004-06-10 Revised:2004-07-29 Online:2005-01-20 Published:2005-01-20
  • Supported by:
    Project supported by the National Natural Science Key Foundations of China (Grant Nos 10474056 and 50323006) and Shandong Provincial Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No Y2001A05)

摘要: Reverse polarization in polythiophene under an applied electric field has been studied in the framework of the tight-binding model. It is found that the applied electronic field has a great influence on the excited states of polythiophene. The effect of the heteroatoms on the polarization has been calculated and analysed carefully. It is indicated that a reverse polarization of biexcitons in polythiophene will be observed more easily.The heteroatoms increase this reversed polarization strength apparently.

关键词: reverse polarization, self-trapping exciton, heterocycle polymer

Abstract: Reverse polarization in polythiophene under an applied electric field has been studied in the framework of the tight-binding model. It is found that the applied electronic field has a great influence on the excited states of polythiophene. The effect of the heteroatoms on the polarization has been calculated and analysed carefully. It is indicated that a reverse polarization of biexcitons in polythiophene will be observed more easily.The heteroatoms increase this reversed polarization strength apparently.

Key words: reverse polarization, self-trapping exciton, heterocycle polymer


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