中国物理B ›› 2003, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (11): 1208-1212.doi: 10.1088/1009-1963/12/11/304
谢崇伟, 梅冬成
Xie Chong-Wei (谢崇伟), Mei Dong-Cheng (梅冬成)
摘要: The stationary correlation function and the associated relaxation time for a general system driven by cross-correlated white noises are derived, by virtue of a Stratonovich-like ansatz. The effects of correlated noises on the relaxation time of a bistable kinetic model coupled to an additive and a multiplicative white noises are studied. It is proved that for small fluctuations the relaxation time T_c as a function of λ (the correlated intensity between noises) exhibits very different behaviours for α
中图分类号: (Noise)