Mode-locked fiber laser with MoSe2 saturable absorber based on evanescent field*

Project supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China (Grant No. 2018YFB0504500), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 61475171, 61705244, 61307056, and 61875052), and the Natural Science Foundation of Shanghai, China (Grant Nos. 17ZR1433900 and 17ZR1434200).

Zhang Ren-Li1, 2, Wang Jun1, Zhang Xiao-Yan1, Lin Jin-Tian3, Li Xia1, Kuan Pei-Wen1, Zhou Yan4, Liao Mei-Song1, †, Gao Wei-Qing5

Schematic illustrations of (a) the principle of optical deposition method and (b) a MoSe2 SA based on a tapered fiber.