Modulation of physical properties of oxide thin films by multiple fields
Yang Hua-Li1, 2, Wang Bao-Min1, 2, †, , Zhu Xiao-Jian1, 2, Shang Jie1, 2, Chen Bin1, 2, Li Run-Wei1, 2, ‡,

(a) MFM images of the CFO thin film at the pristine state and after being subjected to various bias voltages. The scale bar is 200 nm. (b) Evolution of the contrast change ratio (defined as the ratio between the total areas of the electrically-produced upward-magnetized domains and the initially upward-magnetized domains) after being subjected to various biased voltages in the sequence of 0 V → −4 V → 0 V → 4 V → 0 V → −4 V.[126]