Modulation of physical properties of oxide thin films by multiple fields
Yang Hua-Li1, 2, Wang Bao-Min1, 2, †, , Zhu Xiao-Jian1, 2, Shang Jie1, 2, Chen Bin1, 2, Li Run-Wei1, 2, ‡,

(a) IV curve of the Ag/ZrO2/Pt TEM specimen during SET operation. Inset is a TEM image of the specimen after the SET process. (b) IV curves of the TEM specimen under successive RESET operations. (c) High resolution TEM image of the CF region in an Ag/ZrO2/Pt TEM specimen after SET process. (d) High resolution TEM images showing that the CF dissolves from the anode (Pt) to the cathode (Ag) terminal during RESET voltage sweeps (0 → 1.5 V). (e) EDX analysis of the TEM specimen conducted at the initial-, ON- and OFF-states.[36]