Modulation of physical properties of oxide thin films by multiple fields
Yang Hua-Li1, 2, Wang Bao-Min1, 2, †, , Zhu Xiao-Jian1, 2, Shang Jie1, 2, Chen Bin1, 2, Li Run-Wei1, 2, ‡,

A: (a) In-plane strain (ε11)–electric field loop along the [100] direction of PMN-PT. (b)–(j) The rotation history of the MEA in the Co film with a sequence of electric fields (labeled by corresponding symbols on the strain curve) applied to PMN-PT along the [100] direction in order from panel (b) to panel (j). In panel (e), after the field of 5 kV·cm−1 is switched off, the MEA does not go back to 0° but remains at 90°. B: The magnetization domain at stages 1–4 under a stimuli sequence of ±5 kV·cm−1 (up and down pulses denoting respectively +5 kV·cm−1 and −5 kV·cm−1) accompanied by the Hper of 2 Oe induced by the polarization switching current. An auxiliary field Hau is used to return the magnetization to stage 1 from stage 4.[193]