Aberration-corrected scanning transmission electron microscopy for complex transition metal oxides
Zhang Qing-Hua1, Xiao Dong-Dong2, Gu Lin2, 3, †,

Interface of the CTO film and the LSAT substrate with a transition layer of a different BO6 rotation pattern. Panel (a) shows the STEM HAADF and ABF images of the CTO/LSAT interface along [110]pc axis, with overlapped polyhedral model and one simulated ABF image (inset). The [001]pc direction for both oxides is the out-of-plane direction, which is the film growth direction. Panel (b) displays the averaged profile of θ. θ is an inclination angle between the major axis of the contrast ellipse of oxygen and horizontal La–La direction. The solid squares refer to measured values, and the empty squares represent the speculated values for the LSAT substrate, where there is no well-defined deviation from roundness to detect. Symmetries of BO6 rotation across the interfaces are displayed in overlaid colors (green, a0a0a0; white, ab+?; purple, a b+c0; blue −a b+c), which are determined from θ angle measurement as well as other analysis, such as PCA (see text and Supporting Information). In contrast to the case of the LSMO/ESMO interface, a different BO6 rotation pattern (purple, ab+c0) is found in the transitional layer at the interface. Reproduced from Ref. [26].