Dynamics of spinor Bose–Einstein condensate subject to dissipation
Pang Man-Man, Hao Ya-Jiang†,

(a) Dynamical orbitals of open spinor BECs of m=0. Dashed lines: γa1 = γa−1 = 0, γa0 = 1/3; Solid line: γa1 = γa−1 =1/3, γa0 = 0. For comparison with the close system, the dynamical orbitals of the system without dissipation are shown (dotted lines). (b) The dynamical evolution of the particle number of each component for γa1 = γa−1 = 0, γa0 = 1/3. (c) The dynamical evolution of the particle number of each component for γa1 = γa−1 =1/3, γa0 = 0.