Second-order interference of two independent and tunable single-mode continuous-wave lasers
Liu Jianbin1, 2, Wei Dong3, †, , Chen Hui1, 2, Zhou Yu3, Zheng Huaibin1, 2, 3, Gao Hong3, Li Fu-Li3, Xu Zhuo1, 2

Second-order interference of two independent lasers. Two independent laser light beams are incident to two adjacent input ports of a 1:1 non-polarizing beam splitter (BS), respectively. L1 and L2 are two single-mode continuous-wave lasers. D1 and D2 are two single-photon detectors. CC is two-photon coincidence count detection system. The mean frequencies of photons emitted by L1 and L2 are ν1 and ν2, respectively. The distance between the laser and detection planes are all equal. For simplicity, the polarizations and intensities of these two light beams are assumed to be identical, respectively.