In vitrothree-dimensional cancer metastasis modeling: Past, present, and future
Han Wei-jing1, †, , Yuan Wei2, †, , Zhu Jiang-rui1, Fan Qihui1, Qu Junle2, Liu Li-yu1, ‡, , on behalf of the U.S.–China Physical Sciences-Oncology Alliance

(a) Schematic diagram of a fullin vitrometastasis model. The model is composed of intravasation and extravasation sections. (b) The scheme shows that the intravasation model is composed of two medium channels and an ECM channel that is designed for chemo-attractant gradient studies. (c) Quantitative analysis of the dextran-rhodamine gradient in the time- and space-dependent establishment in ECM. The gradient remained stable after 24 h. (d) and (e) MDA-MB-231 cells invade the ECM in a homogenous 10% serum and gradient environment (1%–10% serum gradient) separately, indicating that MDA-MB-231 cells are sensitive to the FBS chemical gradient and move towards higher concentrations.