Influence of dry-etching damage on the electrical properties of an AlGaN/GaN Schottky barrier diode with recessed anode
Zhong Jiana), Yao Yaoa), Zheng Yuea), Yang Fana), Ni Yi-Qianga), He Zhi-Yuana), Shen Zhena), Zhou Gui-Lina), Zhou De-Qiua), Wu Zhi-Shenga), Zhang Bai-Junb), Liu Yang†a)
I – V – T curves of recessed AlGaN/GaN SBD in the forward bias region and calculated I – V – T curves by the TFE model. (a) Etching power = 10 W, N = 4 × 1024 cm−3, ϕ Bn = 1.00 eV; (b) etching power = 20 W, N = 4 × 1024 cm−3, ϕ Bn = 0.96 eV; (c) etching power = 40 W, N = 4.5 × 1024 cm−3, ϕ Bn =0.95 eV; (d) etching power = 80 W, N = 6 × 1024 cm−3, ϕ Bn = 0.87 eV.