Antiferromagnetism and Kondo screening on a honeycomb lattice*
Lin Heng-Fu†, Hong-Shuai Tao, Guo Wen-Xiang, Liu Wu-Ming
The short-range spin correlations as a function of hybridization V at interactions U = 4.0 (left panels) and U = 8.0 (right panels). (a1) and (b1) The nearest neighbor spin–spin correlation ⟨ s i · s j +1⟩ on the conduction c -band. (a2) and (b2) The nearest neighbor spin–spin correlation ⟨ S i · S j +1⟩ on the local f -band. (a3) and (b3) The on-site correlation ⟨ s i · S i ⟩ between the conduction band and the local band.