Spin excitation spectra of spin–orbit coupled bosons in an optical lattice*
Li Ruo-Yana), He Liangb), Sun Qingc)†, Ji An-Chunc)‡, Tian Guang-Shana)
The excitation spectra for (a), (e) 4×1 spiral spin phase ( λ = 0.8, α = 0.24 π ), (b), (f) 3×3 skyrmion crystal phase ( λ = 0.9, α = 0.32 π ), (c), (g) 2×2 spin vortex phase ( λ = 0.8, α = 0.4 π ), and (d), (h) Z -AFM ( λ = 1.2, α = 0.4 π ) phase.