Stretching instability of intrinsically curved semiflexible biopolymers: A lattice model approach*
Zhou Zi-Cong†, Lin Fang-Ting, Chen Bo-Han
(a) zN versus f for a triangle lattice when κ = 8, c = 0.5 and κ = 2, c = 0.2 (inset). The lengths of the filaments are N = 20 (black empty-square), 50 (blue empty-circle), 100 (magenta filled-triangle), 200 (green empty-triangle), 300 (black filled-circle). (b) zN versus f for a square lattice when κ = 6, c = 0.7 and κ = 1, c = 0.1 (inset). The symbols are the same as those in panel (a). Reduced units are used.