Absorption of ultrashort intense lasers in laser–solid interactions*
Sheng Zheng-Minga),b),, Weng Su-Minga), Yu Lu-Lea), Wang Wei-Minc), Cui Yun-Qianc), Chen Mina), Zhang Jiea)
Fig. 1. The heating rate R due to collisional absorption averaged over the first four laser cycles as a function of the laser intensity obtained from Langdon#cod#x2019;s operator short dashed line, molecular dynamic simulations by David et al. dash-dotted line, and Fokker#cod#x2013;Planck simulations by Weng et al. triangle. The plasmas and laser parameters are given as follows: electron density n e #cod#x003D; 10 20 cm #cod#x2013;3 , initial temperature T e #cod#x003D; 10 eV, ionization state Z i #cod#x003D; 1, and laser wavelength #cod#x03BB; #cod#x003D; 1.06 #cod#x03BC;m. [ 44 ]