Three-wavelength generation from cascaded wavelength conversion in monolithic periodically poled lithium niobate*
Xiao Kuna), Zhang Jinga), Chen Bao-Qina), Zhang Qiu-Lina), Zhang Dong-Xianga), Feng Bao-Huaa),, Zhang Jing-Yuanb)
Fig.#cod#x00A0;1. Schematic of experimental setup for the cascaded OPG-SFG experiment. HWP, half-wave plate; G, Glan#cod#x2013;Taylor prism; M, dichroic mirror; P, pinhole. A mode-locked Nd: YAG laser delivers its second harmonic output at 532#cod#x00A0;nm and fundamental output at 1064#cod#x00A0;nm into the PPLN crystal to pump the OPG and SFG, respectively.