Electron correlation in fast ion-impact single ionization of helium atoms
Ghanbari-Adivi E., Eskandari S.
Fig.#cod#x00A0;1. FDCS for electrons with an energy of 5.4#cod#x00A0;eV ejected into the scattering a and the perpendicular b planes in 75-keV proton#cod#x2013;helium collisions. The transverse momentum transfers are from top to bottom 0.13, 0.41, 0.73, and 1.38#cod#x00A0;a.u. The initial bound-state wave function for helium atoms is considered as the one-parameter Hylleraas wave function dashed lines, the two-parameter Silverman wave function solid lines, and the four-parameter Byron#cod#x2013;Joachain wave function dash-dotted lines. Closed circles are for experiments.