Effects of R-site compositions on the meta-magnetic behavior of Tb1 – xPr x(Fe0.4Co0.6)1.88C0.05 ( x = 0, 0.8, and 1)
Huang Jun-Weia), Xia Zheng-Cai†a), Cheng Gangb), Shi Li-Rana), Jin Zhaoa), Shang Cuia), Wei Menga)
(a) M ( H ) isotherms of Pr(Fe0.4Co0.6)1.88C0.05 at T = 1.8 K, measured with field sweep rates of 10 Oe/s, 50 Oe/s, and 100 Oe/s. The curves are vertically shifted for clarity. (b) Initial and second branches of the M ( H ) curves of Pr(Fe0.4Co0.6)1.88C0.05 at T = 1.8 K after cooling down with negative magnetic fields of –0.3 kOe, –1 kOe, and –2 kOe, compared with the ZFC M ( H ) one.