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Chin. Phys. B, 2013, Vol. 22(5): 055202    DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/22/5/055202

The internal propagation of fusion flame with the strong shock of a laser driven plasma block for advanced nuclear fuel ignition

B. Malekynia, S. S. Razavipour
Department of Physics, Gachsaran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Gachsaran 75818-63876, Iran
Abstract  The accelerated skin layer may be used to ignite solid state fuels. The detailed analyses were clarified by solving the hydrodynamic equations for nonlinear force driven plasma block ignition. In this paper, the complementary mechanisms are included for the advanced fuel ignition: external factors such as laser, compression, shock waves, and spark. The other category is created within the plasma fusion as reheating of alpha particle, the Bremsstrahlung absorption, expansion, conduction, and shock waves generated by explosions. With the new condition for the control of shock waves, the spherical deuterium-tritium fuel density should be increased to 75 times of the solid state. The threshold ignition energy flux density for the advanced fuel ignition may be obtained using temperature equations, including the ones for the density profile obtained through the continuity equation and the expansion velocity for the r≠0 layers. These thresholds are significantly reduced in comparison with the ignition thresholds at x=0 for the solid advanced fuels. The quantum correction for the collision frequency is applied in the case of the delay in ion heating. Under the shock wave condition, the spherical proton-boron and proton-lithium fuel densities should be increased to densities 120 and 180 times of the solid state. These plasma compressions are achieved through a longer duration laser pulse or X ray.
Keywords:  block ignition      advanced fuel      quantum correction shock wave  
Received:  22 October 2012      Revised:  27 December 2012      Accepted manuscript online: 
PACS:  52.38.-r (Laser-plasma interactions)  
  52.38.Dx (Laser light absorption in plasmas (collisional, parametric, etc.))  
  52.30.Ex (Two-fluid and multi-fluid plasmas)  
  52.57.-z (Laser inertial confinement)  
Fund: Project supported by the Islamic Azad University of Gachsaran Branch of Iran.
Corresponding Authors:  B. Malekynia     E-mail:

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B. Malekynia, S. S. Razavipour The internal propagation of fusion flame with the strong shock of a laser driven plasma block for advanced nuclear fuel ignition 2013 Chin. Phys. B 22 055202

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