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Chin. Phys. B, 2011, Vol. 20(7): 078401    DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/20/7/078401

Nonlinear time-dependent simulation of helix traveling wave tubes

Peng Wei-Feng(彭维峰), Yang Zhong-Hai(杨中海), Hu Yu-Lu(胡玉禄), Li Jian-Qing(李建清), Lu Qi-Ru(陆麒如), and Li Bin(李斌)
Vacuum Electronics National Laboratory, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu 610054, China
Abstract  A one-dimensional nonlinear time-dependent theory for helix traveling wave tubes is studied. A generalized electromagnetic field is applied to the expression of the radio frequency field. To simulate the variations of the high frequency structure, such as the pitch taper and the effect of harmonics, the spatial average over a wavelength is substituted by a time average over a wave period in the equation of the radio frequency field. Under this assumption, the space charge field of the electron beam can be treated by a space charge wave model along with the space charge coefficient. The effects of the radio frequency and the space charge fields on the electrons are presented by the equations of the electron energy and the electron phase. The time-dependent simulation is compared with the frequency-domain simulation for a helix TWT, which validates the availability of this theory.
Keywords:  helix traveling wave tubes      time-dependent      harmonics      helix pitch taper  
Received:  13 October 2010      Revised:  17 January 2011      Accepted manuscript online: 
PACS:  84.40.Fe (Microwave tubes (e.g., klystrons, magnetrons, traveling-wave, backward-wave tubes, etc.))  
  13.40.Ks (Electromagnetic corrections to strong- and weak-interaction processes)  

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Peng Wei-Feng(彭维峰), Yang Zhong-Hai(杨中海), Hu Yu-Lu(胡玉禄), Li Jian-Qing(李建清), Lu Qi-Ru(陆麒如), and Li Bin(李斌) Nonlinear time-dependent simulation of helix traveling wave tubes 2011 Chin. Phys. B 20 078401

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