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Chin. Phys. B, 2010, Vol. 19(4): 043101    DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/19/4/043101

Calculation of multicentre nuclear attraction integrals over Slater-type orbitals using unsymmetrical one-range addition theorems

Israfil I. Guseinova), N. Seckin Gorgunb), and Nimet Zaimb)
a Department of Physics, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Onsekiz Mart University, ?anakkale, Turkey; b Department of Physics, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Trakya University, Edirne, Turkey
Abstract  Using the unsymmetrical one-range addition theorems introduced by one of the authors with the help of complete orthonormal sets of $\varPsi ^\alpha $-exponential type orbitals ($\alpha = 1,0, - 1, - 2,...)$, this paper presents the sets of series expansion relations for multicentre nuclear attraction integrals over Slater-type orbitals arising in Hartree--Fock--Roothaan equations for molecules. The final results are expressed through multicentre charge density expansion coefficients and basic integrals. The convergence of the series is tested by calculating concrete cases for arbitrary values of parameters of orbitals.
Keywords:  Slater-type orbitals      nuclear attraction integrals      Hartree--Fock--Roothaan equations      unsymmetrical one-range addition theorems  
Received:  25 May 2009      Revised:  27 July 2009      Accepted manuscript online: 
PACS:  31.15.xr (Self-consistent-field methods)  

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Israfil I. Guseinov, N. Seckin Gorgun, and Nimet Zaim Calculation of multicentre nuclear attraction integrals over Slater-type orbitals using unsymmetrical one-range addition theorems 2010 Chin. Phys. B 19 043101

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