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Chinese Physics, 2005, Vol. 14(1): 95-101    DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/14/1/018

New levels and transitions in 72Ge following the decay of 72Ga

Li Yan (李燕), Shen Shui-Fa (沈水法), Shi Shuang-Hui (石双惠), Gu Jia-Hui (顾嘉辉), Liu Jing-Yi (刘静怡), Xu Hui (徐慧)
Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics, The Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai, 201800, China
Abstract  The decay of $^{72}$Ga has been investigated by means of $\gamma $-ray spectroscopy. The $^{72}$Ga nuclei were produced through the $^{71}$Ga(n, $\gamma)^{72}$Ga reaction. The Compton-suppressed spectrometer and high-purity Ge detectors have been used singly and in coincidence, separately, to study $\gamma$-rays in the $\beta ^{-}$ decay of $^{72}$Ga to $^{72}$Ge. Ninety-three events of $\gamma$-rays were reported, of which 7 were observed for the first time. A decay scheme of $^{72}$Ga including 4 new levels is proposed which accommodates 87 of these transitions. Spins and parities for new levels are proposed from calculated log$ft$ values, modes on the observed decay, and some nuclear reaction experimental results.
Keywords:  decay      gamma-ray      level      coincidence  
Received:  11 March 2004      Revised:  18 May 2004      Accepted manuscript online: 
PACS:  2320L  
Fund: Project supported by theMajor State Basic Research Development Programme of China (Grant No TG2000077404), and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No 10405031

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Li Yan (李燕), Shen Shui-Fa (沈水法), Shi Shuang-Hui (石双惠), Gu Jia-Hui (顾嘉辉), Liu Jing-Yi (刘静怡), Xu Hui (徐慧) New levels and transitions in 72Ge following the decay of 72Ga 2005 Chinese Physics 14 95

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