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Chin. Phys. B, 2014, Vol. 23(6): 069101    DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/23/6/069101

In-situ high pressure X-ray diffraction studies of orthoferrite SmFeO3

Li Na-Na (李娜娜), Li Yan (李岩), Li Hui (李会), Tang Rui-Lian (唐瑞莲), Zhao Yong-Sheng (赵永胜), Han Dan-Dan (韩丹丹), Ma Yan-Mei (马艳梅), Cui Qi-Liang (崔启良), Zhu Pin-Wen (朱品文), Wang Xin (王欣)
State Key Laboratory of Superhard Materials, Jilin University, Changchun 130012, China
Abstract  The high-pressure behaviors of SmFeO3 are investigated by angle-dispersive synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction under a pressure of up to 40.3 GPa at room temperature. The crystal structure of SmFeO3 remains stable at up to the highest pressure. The different pressure coefficients of the normalized axial compressibility are obtained to be β a = 0.60×10-3 GPa-1, β b = 0.79×10-3 GPa-1, β c = 1.28×10-3 GPa-1, and the bulk modulus (B0) is determined to be 293(3) GPa by fitting the pressure-volume data using the Birch-Murnaghan equation of state. Furthermore, the larger compressibility of the FeO6 octahedra suggests the evolution of the orthorhombic structure towards higher symmetry configuration at high pressures.
Keywords:  crystal structure      high-pressure      X-ray diffraction  
Received:  31 October 2013      Revised:  24 November 2013      Accepted manuscript online: 
PACS:  91.60.Gf (High-pressure behavior)  
  61.05.cp (X-ray diffraction)  
  61.50.-f (Structure of bulk crystals)  
Fund: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 51172091), the Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University, China, and the National Fund for Fostering Talents of Basic Science, China (Grant No. J1103202).
Corresponding Authors:  Zhu Pin-Wen, Wang Xin     E-mail:;

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Li Na-Na (李娜娜), Li Yan (李岩), Li Hui (李会), Tang Rui-Lian (唐瑞莲), Zhao Yong-Sheng (赵永胜), Han Dan-Dan (韩丹丹), Ma Yan-Mei (马艳梅), Cui Qi-Liang (崔启良), Zhu Pin-Wen (朱品文), Wang Xin (王欣) In-situ high pressure X-ray diffraction studies of orthoferrite SmFeO3 2014 Chin. Phys. B 23 069101

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