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Chin. Phys. B, 2013, Vol. 22(9): 098102    DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/22/9/098102

Germanium nanoislands grown by radio frequency magnetron sputtering:Annealing time dependent surface morphology and photoluminescence

Alireza Samavatia, Z. Othamana, S. K. Ghoshalb, R. J. Amjadb
a Ibn Sina Institute for Fundamental Science Studies, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 Skudai, Johor Baharu, Malaysia;
b Advanced Optical Material Research Group, Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 UTM Skudai, Johor, Malaysia
Abstract  Structural and optical properties of ~ 20 nm Ge nanoislands grown on Si(100) by radio frequency (rf) magnetron sputtering under varying annealing conditions are reported. Rapid thermal annealing at a temperature of 600℃ for 30 s, 90 s, and 120 s are performed to examine the influence of annealing time on the surface morphology and photoluminescence properties. X-ray diffraction spectra reveal prominent Ge and GeO2 peaks highly sensitive to the annealing time. Atomic force microscope micrographs of the as-grown sample show pyramidal nanoislands with relatively high-density (~ 1011 cm-2). The nanoislands become dome-shaped upon annealing through a coarsening process mediated by Oswald ripening. The room temperature photoluminescence peaks for both as-grown (~ 3.29 eV) and annealed (~ 3.19 eV) samples consist of high intensity and broad emission, attributed to the effect of quantum confinement. The red shift (~ 0.10 eV) of the emission peak is attributed to the change in the size of the Ge nanoislands caused by annealing. Our easy fabrication method may contribute to the development of Ge nanostructure-based optoelectronics.
Keywords:  germanium nanoislands      radio frequency magnetron sputtering      photoluminescence      surface morphology  
Received:  04 March 2013      Revised:  21 March 2013      Accepted manuscript online: 
PACS:  81.07.-b (Nanoscale materials and structures: fabrication and characterization)  
  78.67.-n (Optical properties of low-dimensional, mesoscopic, and nanoscale materials and structures)  
  79.20.Rf (Atomic, molecular, and ion beam impact and interactions with surfaces)  
Fund: Project supported by the International Doctoral Fellowship (IDF), Ibnu Sina Institute for Fundamental Science Study and research grants of MoHE GUP. Vot No. 02H94 and 07J80.
Corresponding Authors:  Z. Othaman     E-mail:

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Alireza Samavati, Z. Othaman, S. K. Ghoshal, R. J. Amjad Germanium nanoislands grown by radio frequency magnetron sputtering:Annealing time dependent surface morphology and photoluminescence 2013 Chin. Phys. B 22 098102

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